Is your pet having a surgical procedure done? Modern veterinary medicine now offers options for treating a vast array of medical issues. It’s wonderful to be able to help pets overcome illness and injury. However, we know that it can be nerve-wracking to know that your furry best friend is having an operation. Here, a Clermont County vet discusses helping pets recover from surgery.
Your furry pal will need lots of R&R. If you have other pets, it’s probably best to keep them separated, at least for the first few days. Set your four-legged patient up in a quiet spot, like a spare bedroom. You can put a baby gate at the door, so they don’t feel too isolated. (Tip: this a great time to get your pet a comfy new bed!)
Keep a close eye out for signs of infections or complications, such as fever, vomiting, trembling, or extreme lethargy. (Your pet may be tired and sleepy, but should still respond to stimuli.) You’ll also want to monitor the surgical site. Check for pus, redness, heat, foul odors, or swelling. Call your vet immediately if you see any of these warning signs.
If possible, try to schedule the surgery so you can stay home with your pet the next day or two. This is a great time to plan for a relaxing ‘staycation.’ Make some comfort food, work on some projects, and/or binge watch something good.
Your vet will provide you with specific after-care instructions. Read these directions very carefully, and follow them to the letter. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. That’s what we’re here for!
Your vet may advise putting an Elizabethan cone or inflatable collar on your pet, so they don’t chew their stitches. Your furry buddy is not going to be very happy about this. Don’t fall for those pleading eyes! Safety is more important, especially for the first week or so. Of course, some pets are so distressed by these devices that they try to wiggle out of them. This can be dangerous in and of itself. If your dog or cat is actively trying to escape their safety gear, ask your vet for advice.
Please reach out to us, your local Clermont County vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs.